Cyberians, our families, friends and supporters are highly involved in community based programmes that is about building connections and sustaining visability in our communities.

Quaterly feeding programmes are kept to feed those who are most in need of a hot meal but also good company.
Connect With Technology In Education (CWTIE) provides for our members and friends to share with children ages 3 - 6 as we use technology tools and services to deliver educational content appropriate for early childhood education. Currently our focus has remained with the Mona Heights Chapel Kindergarthen in Mona Heights, Kingston, Jamaica.
Beauty In Me is a project that we are passionate about where through beauty and personal development services, we are able to help young people, especially young ladies, to feel better about themselves. The project also lends itself to work with teenage mothers who we believe that if they feel better about themselves, they will provide better care for their babies.
Digital Media/Digi Up Di Caribbean Project sees members of the Club who are technology experts to share their skills with youths as we impart knowledge for an improve understanding of this new course of study offered by the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) at the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE). Currently workshops are done monthly and this have been documented and will be replicated across the Caribbean.
Pickney Netball Programme is one of the Club's major project since 2013 where with Netball Jamaica, Kiwanis partner to get children ages 3 - 6 involved in the sports while learning effectively socialisation skills.
Changing the world one child, one comuunity

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